I've wanted a space purely to discuss Pink Floyd for the longest time. I have an Instagram account just for my collection, and I mostly post about Pink Floyd on Tumblr (and I also run an account dedicated solely to Nick), but neither offer much opportunity to go into any depth as it's all image based. Pink Floyd are my favourite band and I'm incredibly passionate about them, but I don't get much chance to wax enthusiastic in my day to day and so I have a lot of feelings to share and get out there! In the past I've tried to incorporate it into my other blog, but I feel like I have to dial myself down so as not to come across as obsessed as I actually am and bore the uninterested, but I'm rather tired of that. In the words of one of my favourite authors, "maybe my passion is nothing special, but at least it's mine."
I want to use this blog as an outlet to share my thoughts and feelings about my favourite band, share the new additions to my collection, the things I already own, and the adventures my love for this band takes me on. All posts before this one have been copied over from my main blog for posterity's sake. Last year in particular was very Floyd filled in general and left me with a very full heart and so it's important to me to include those journals and memories.
I've been a fan of Pink Floyd for over 15 years. I discovered them as a teenager through David Bowie's album Pin Ups which includes a cover of See Emily Play. It was my favourite track on the album and as I knew it was an LP of covers I sought out the original and it all snowballed from there. The Syd era has always been my favourite, and Syd himself means a great deal to me (Nick is also a favourite, he's such a sweetie). My favourite albums are Piper At The Gates of Dawn and Animals.
I love the 1960s in general, and as well as Pink Floyd merchandise I also collect vinyl, vintage clothing and homeware which I blog about here. I'm also an illustrator, and naturally frequently draw Pink Floyd.
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