I went home from uni over Easter and one of my favourite things about going back is how many vintage things that are so freely available, it's a bit scarce where I am now. One thing I picked up was this cassette holder which I was really excited about as I thought it would hold all of my Pink Floyd tapes really nicely and I could include them in my little Pink Floyd display shelf.
These are all of the tapes I own, a good mixture of Pink Floyd and the members solo stuff. There's not a lot, but it's something I only collect quite casually as and when I see them for a good deal. About a year ago I saw Roger's three albums (
Pros and Cons/Radio KAOS/Amused to Death) for sale as a little bundle and I didn't get them as I didn't have any change and they were gone when I went back, I'm still gutted about that! I like collecting tapes as they remind me of my childhood as they were all I played when I was young. They were cheaper than CDs so I could buy more of them with my pocket money, I was permanently attached to my Walkman and preferred that it didn't skip like a Discman was prone to do, and I loved making mix tapes and recording songs from the radio. I don't play my tapes much now, but I love having them for the nostalgia.
I thought I'd give you a little tour of the shelf while I was at it! I have two, I'll save the other one for a separate post. I used to have all of my Floyd stuff dotted around, but was
inspired to put it all together in a display and I really love how it looks and it's my favourite part of my room now.
A lot of stuff in this image is from the V&A gift shop when I went to
Their Mortal Remains. The square
Piper cover is a pin, and I don't like to put my keyring on my keys as they tend to get bashed about a lot and damaged.
These are all of my Pink Floyd books, except for
A Very Irregular Head which is on my Kindle. A lot of books are poorly researched or filled with the authors own opinions and assumptions rather than facts (especially regarding Syd) so I'm always a little distrustful of buying them, if you've got any recommendations for good ones I'm all ears! The only one on my wishlist currently is
Psychedelic Renegades.
These are my postcards which are tucked in next to my books, I originally got them to put in my journal but I'm scared of 'ruining' them! They're mostly from
Their Mortal Remains (I think I bought just about every postcard they sold, including a few duplicates as I went a few times and didn't remember which ones I had) The Gerald Scarfe ones are from when I went to see his exhibition at the House of Illustration, I know he's not Pink Floyd and technically shouldn't be here but they introduced me to his work and made him one of my favourite illustrators so it's relevant to me.
The two tour programmes I own currently, they're both originals. They're really nice inside, The Division Bell one in particular.
This one includes a really good trivia test, you can click the image to make it bigger if you want to take it and test yourself!
The Wall programme is a really nice mixture of live images alongside Scarfe's illustrations and artwork.
The white thing you can see to the left filling in that gap of the shelf unit is my vintage scarf which you can see in all it's glory below. It doesn't look very 'on display' from these angles, but you can see the full design from the other side so it's one of the first things you see as you walk into the room.
And that's my whole shelf! I'll be sure to share the second one soon!