I was flicking through my magazines the other day and thought they'd make an interesting thing to share as I've been collecting them for years! I didn't even realise how many I had until I piled them all up like this. I usually keep some in a magazine rack, some stacked up behind the magazine rack, some on the book shelf and some underneath the bookshelf, so they're usually all over the place! Some of these date back as far as 2001. I don't collect every magazine with Pink Floyd in it, just ones that catch my eye or have a significant article.

These are some of my oldest copies, the Uncut issues are from 2001 and the Classic Rock magazine from 2002. I wish there was a way I could share more of these magazines other than just the covers, I thought of scanning them in for Tumblr but I don't want to risk ruining the spines.

Mojo - October 2011; Classic Rock - October 2005; Mojo - November 2001

I mostly prefer issues with Syd in them ♥ They're occasionally full of the journalist's speculation, but they're more objective than a lot of the books published about him and I like that they usually include bits with people who actually knew him, as well as the other members of Pink Floyd themselves.

Getting into some of my more recent ones, the Uncut magazine was from last summer I think? The Shindig and Prog were from 2016. I'm posting them in the wrong order, but this Shindig included part 2 of a massive article about Syd, I really recommend getting both issues if you don't have them already.

Music Milestones I got a few years ago but I'm pretty sure it's still sold in WH Smith, it's more like a mook and goes through the bands history album by album. I think I got all three of these magazines in 2016 too, the issue of Prog was to mark the 10th anniversary of Syd's passing.

These were all from 2017, I could barely keep up that year as so many magazines were being released full of their early year stuff as the box set hadn't long been released and Their Mortal Remains was opening. The Mojo '60s was a Pink Floyd special, and the Shindig was Part 1 of the Syd article I mentioned earlier.

Inside the Mojo '60s

This Mojo is from March 2010, and the Pink Floyd guide is another mook, Uncut release a lot of these of various bands. I've had this one a long time, I'm not sure when it was released but I really recommend seeking out a copy! It's full of articles from various different publications throughout the time since the band started, I love reading stuff like this and seeing what they were saying about the band then compared to what we know now. I guess the Drum Heroes is kind of a cheat, although I consider it part of my collection. It's a mook by Rhythm magazine, as you can probably guess all about drummers! It's got a good interview with Nick in it.

This box was sold at WH Smith, I think they sell these kind of things on a lot of various topics. I've also seen an actual book in HMV with this exact same cover, so I don't know if it's the same thing in a slightly different format. Planet Rock was my most recent buy last week, it's got a little article in it with Nick about his Soucerful of Secrets project. And the Mojo magazine was from July 2016 to mark 10 years since Syd's passing.

And these are the final three, and the ones that always make me so sad to look at! They're all from 2006, and were the tribute issues to Syd after he died :( I took a photo from each: